acutely sensitive
- alexander blok
I wait and wait in silence, yearning and loving.
- Alexander Blok
So do I

Wolf Hall, S02E02

You, invincibly yourself,
Have nothing left to say.

- Adrienne Rich
Eli: Remember in grad school, I wrote that paper on Capgras syndrome? It's this disorder where the people you're closest to all seem to have been replaced by impostors. But it's really you. You are the impostor. It's a kind of dissociation. You suffer a shock to your reality and, suddenly, you're on the outside looking in. And that's me.

- Before, S01E01
Sometimes pus
Sometimes poetry

Yehuda Amichai
Take me.
- Yehuda Amichai
beyond the clearing forest
depois da estrada
was another forest
começa uma grande avenida

- yehuda amichai & rita lee


Dune: Prophecy, S01E01

I have inhaled impossibility
- Adrienne Rich