
Winslow Homer

passei o dia contando passos
arrumando coisas
desfazendo nós
roendo unhas
falando só
assistindo tevê
descobrindo ruas
circulando mapas
fumando cigarros
trapaceando bandidos
viciando o organismo
analisando sangue
regendo conflitos
adulando desejos
reinventando sonhos
evitando pânicos

- febre do rato, 2011
Demelza: You loved Elizabeth.
Ross: Once. But it's the memory of that love that makes me sick at heart today.
            For the loss of all that she was and that she had to come.
            Most of all, I feel afraid.
Demelza: Of what?
Ross: Of losing you. Of losing you from my life. To think that there will come a time
            when I will never hear your voice again. Nor you mine.

Poldark, S04E08
when the hurt is over, baby
maybe love will flow

David, you know I've always had trouble connecting with people. I just can't tell what they're feeling, what they're really thinking about. My whole life, I've felt like I'm watching the world from the other side of a window, and I just don't know how to pass through to the other side, where everything is effortless. David, I need to know. How do you know if it's too late to change? How can you tell if it's still possible to begin again?

- Ted Kaczynski in Manhunt: Unabomber, S01E06

sou amativa antes de tudo
- ana cristina césar
aguardando pelo meu passado
- mia couto

quando meu passado chegar
poderei rever as fotos guardadas com tanto zelo
quando meu passado chegar
serei feliz
poderei rever as fotos
talvez sorrir
- ar
'Tis Saturday

Which way do you recommend?
- Silk City

Pose, S01E07

Fate is fluid.
- The Man in the High Castle, S01E10
Why did you let me love you?
Why did you let me fall?
- Arthur Prysock


You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
[bem que se kiss]

você chegou no amiudar do dia
eu nunca mais senti tanta alegria

que festa é o teu voltar
me abraça e sem sofrer me beija longamente

me abraça devagar
me beija e me faz esquecer

- mariene de castro & elis regina & marisa monte
é longe não te achar
- elis

All are punishèd.

Shakespeare cited in The Staircase
Ditames da razão, segundo Spinoza em Ética

"Como a razão não exige nada que seja contra a natureza, ela exige que cada qual ame a si próprio; que busque o que lhe seja útil, mas efetivamente útil; que deseje tudo aquilo que, efetivamente, conduza o homem a uma maior perfeição; e, mais geralmente, que cada qual se esforce por conservar, tanto quanto está em si, o seu ser."

"Os homens que se regem pela razão, isto é, os homens que buscam, sob a condução da razão, o que lhes é útil, nada apetecem para si que não desejem também para os outros e são, por isso, justos, confiáveis e leais."

Samuel Beckett cited in Patrick Melrose, S01E01

to d.

i love d you
even when you decide d
to jilt me

- ar

I stood by your side and pulled you away from your fire
Again and again and again

I should have known fire would win

- Annie-Marie


Counterpart, S01E07

no volume máximo

mood: taking it up and up and up (you know how I feel)

You, only you, exist.
We pass away, til at last,
our passing is so immense
that you arise: beautiful moment,
in all your suddenness,
arising in love, or enchanted
in the contraction of work.

To you I belong, however time may
wear me away. From you to you
I go commanded. In between
the garland is hanging in chance; but if you
take it up and up and up: look:
all becomes festival!

- Rainer Maria Rilke

Howard: Do you think it is possible to truly love someone without ever knowing who they really are?
Emily: Maybe we don't love someone for who they really are. Maybe love is seeing them for who they'd rather be.

Counterpart, S01E05
James: It's all vanity. It always has been. And we are at the end of vanity.
Francis: Then you are free.

The Terror, S01E08
por favor, não façam barulho no ambiente
don't disturb this groove

- cazuza & meshell
You need a man with sensitivity
Mesmo que este homem seja eu

- Meshell Ndegeocello & Marina
long time no see you, meshell
