
Elaine: Jerry Seinfeld, I cannot believe you're doing this. This is absolutely infantile.
Jerry:  What can I do?
Elaine: Deal with it. Be a man.
Jerry: Oh, no. That's impossible.

- Seinfeld, S01E04
buscando o pássaro perdido
- cora coralina
I don't like the real world
It's tough out in the real world

venci vagarosamente o desamor
- cora coralina
ais presentes
- cora coralina
The trees are half air. They fissure the sky
- Cole Swensen
no volume máximo

Imagine having a thought and then 
thinking it again
thinking it again
thinking it again
thinking it again
thinking it again

mundos inimagináveis se criam
- leonardo fróes
Theseus Scamander: Can I ask, what would possess you to make such a thing?
Albus Dumbledore: Love. Arrogance. Naiveté. Pick your poison.


eu não sei como dizer-te que cem ideias,
dentro de mim, procuram-te

- herberto helder