Mirror mirror on the wall
Could you please return our ball
Our football went through a crack
You have two now
Give one back

- Benjamin Zephaniah
lost, drifting, on the current
- olivia ostriker
I know you, I caress you, I fail you. My faith adheres
In nothing. Don't leave me, don't leave me.

- Alicia Ostriker
In thy sight would
we bloom.
In thy

- Paul Celan
Eyk: Have you ever lost someone? It's like you're dying with them. They can move on, but you're stuck. 

1899, S01E02
                                               everyone's dying
everyone's dying to die
everyone's in my way
on my way to die
it's too hot and dusty to die
I am eating the ashes of the dead
eating the exhaust of cars
an image sacrifice
looking for a boat to heaven
your boat has bad karma
out of the way
I am burning inside of shame
I am at the seat of ash
on a boat to nowhere
burning inside
I am at the end of time
shiva orange
rat queen
goddess of money
sleeping in time to die at the hands of doms
sunrise to sunrise from the beginning of time
alone at the end of time
rowing nowhere
lost in serpentine alleys
amongst the amputees and water buffalos
amongst dust breathing souls
looking into eyes
looking back
for anything
not burning

- kari edwards
There is so much silence between the words
- Margaret Atwood
Passou tempo. Muito tempo.
- Raul Bopp
part     daring my self
- robert duncan
James: What's your excuse, though? How you treat your friends, your family. Everybody there just to be escaped from, just to be left behind. Like they let you down, instead of the other way around.

reality was larger than the dream
- babette deutsch
I tell myself

vaga-lumes beliscam as sombras
- raul bopp
na dor, que a própria dor anestesia
- raul bopp
no silêncio contrito da paisagem
- raul bopp
vultos de uma tristeza luminosa
- raul bopp
Prince Phillip: You know, a long time ago, I lost my favorite sister, Cecile. In an airplane crash. I learned then what grief was. True grief. How it moves through the body. How it inhabits it. How it becomes part of your skin. Your cells. And it makes a home there. A permanent home.

- The Crown, S05E02
I am Heathcliff.

- Cathy in Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights
I'm fish
And I'm net

- Kabir

Pearl, 2022

vejo o mar de longe
vem o mar de longe

seu perfume
entra em ondas
no meu apartamento

com a sereia


venero o mar de longe
de perto de janaína

- AR
restou-me não ser menos que este amor
que segue ao teu lado

mesmo quando é tão distante teu caminho,
teu silêncio, teu passo rápido, teu sonho

- eucanaã feraz

é falta de certeza

- Francisco Alvim
não sejas Pássaro nostágico

- José Paulo Paes
fez-se do amigo próximo o distante
- vinícius de moraes
amar o inóspito, o áspero
- carlos drummond de andrade
Sim, os extraviados um dia regressam
ou nunca, ou pode ser, ou ontem.

- Carlos Drummond de Andrade
faz tanta falta
- carlos drummond de andrade