Shakespeare in The Veil, S01E06


meu amor eu te chamo
de inefável

não te descrevo
ou descrevo

por isso
te amo

- AR


muitos deixaram 
de me visitar

a pedido

mas não estou doente
quero apenas ser

- AR

Most discipline is hidden discipline, designed not to liberate but to limit. Do not ask why. Be cautions with how. Why leads inexorably to paradox. How traps you in a universe of cause and effect. Both deny the infinite. 

- The Apocrypha of Arrakis in Heretics of Dune by Frank Herbert

o passado continua conosco


The clock-face stares,
Its heart will betray it.

A creak stands on the landing, looking down.

The chairs have surrended and are helpless.
The floor presses its face into the earth.

- Ted Hughes

grey silent fragments
- ted hughes


Young Royals, S03E06

se você acha que porque você está em londres você é o máximo,
você é um vira-lata total


overwhelmed by hopelessness

I begged for language
- Lachlan Chu

I swear

say that you love me
fala que me ama

sanidade por um fio
I loved you for so long
Laura: Are you thinking about suicide?
Elsa: Yeah.
Laura: That's vanity. Misery is powerful, but so is acceptance.

- New Life. 2023

1 watching k-dramas
2 walking mel daily
3 temporarily not looking into the abyss
4 socializing
5 still on xanax
6 learning how to speak silence

- AR
no volume máximo

Strange not to be able to pick up the pace as I'd like;
the past is so horribly fast.

- Brenda Shaughness
love of loss
of love

- maya angelou
a vida é atravessada por elementos de contingência
whatever once was firm has fled
- robert lowell
Hope lives in doubt.
- Robert Lowell
What's filling up the mirror? O, it is not I
- Robert Lowell
Sandie: Where does all this end, Mary?
Mary: Nothing ever ends. Everything's a ceaseless fight.

- Mary & George, S01E04