milhões de vezes, milhões de vezes 

Oh yes, I wanted to be me.
- Czeslaw Milosz
Do not feel safe.
- Czeslaw Milosz
I speak to you with silence like a cloud or a tree.
- Czeslaw Milosz
Someone once told me time is a flat circle, where everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over again

- Cohle in True Detective, S01E05
me ignorar é fácil

And to-morrow and to-morrow and to-morrow and to-morrow
- Edna St. Vincent Millay
A diaphanous fog of adjectives overcomes me.
- Lynn Emanuel
Love is boring and passé
- Lynn Emanuel
I didn't suppose that...

You suppose nothing, unless you hear it from me.

- Frank Herbert in Heretics of Dune
the shape of an absence
- margaret atwood
How many poems about
the dead one who isn't dead

- Margaret Atwood
He was all anger,
The man you tried to love

- Margaret Atwood
Now it says Now it says Now
- Margaret Atwood
Who was my sister
Is now an empty chair
Is no longer,
Is no longer there
She is now emptiness
She is now air

- Margaret Atwood
an emptiness a void a silence
- margaret atwood
Don't look behind, they say:
You'll turn to salt.
Why not, though? Why not look?
Isn't it glittery?
Isn't it pretty, back there?

- Margaret Atwood
aos sábados vestimos duda beat

I begin to think the only sin is distance, refusal.
- Jane Hirshfield
I have coffee and books,
a garden,
silence enough to fill cisterns

- Jane Hirshfield
don't despair of this falling world, not yet          didn't it give
you the asking

- jane hirshfield
I spoke you
- Jane Hirshfield
I love you. Can I even say that?
- Paisley Rekdal
through a current that is silent
and might always be

- paisley rekdal
There is no end to ego,
with its museum of disappointments.

- Paisley Rekdal
what I love in you I pray will always stay

the hell away from me.

- Paisley Rekdal

Esse movimento
essa guerra
essa dança
esse coração
que avança.

- Micheliny Verunschk

sem senãos
- elisa lucinda

O amor comeu minha altura, meu peso, a cor de meus olhos e de meus cabelos.
- João Cabral de Melo Neto

O amor não tem pressa
Ele pode esperar em silêncio

- Chico Buarque

amor não se troca
- carlos drummond de andrade

apressa-te, amor
- cecília meireles

numa sempre diversa realidade
- vinícius de moraes

alone and longing for you
- june jordan

Life's gone on as if I'd never lived at all.
- Anton Chekhov in The Great Lillian Hall

I'm not here
everything's vague, blurred everywhere

- H.D.

I who have lived unconscious
- H.D.

vozinhas ferventes que rebentam desertas
- coral bracho

siglas imersas
- coral bracho

Terra de silêncios
e brilhos

- Coral Bracho

water in suspense
- coral bracho

I don't wanna be alive, but I don't wanna die
A fistful of pills and rivers in my eyes

let me find you
- eloise klein healy

reaching no absolute, in which to rest
- thom gunn

I used to think that obstacles to love
         Were out of date

- Thom Gunn

Where are the stars that show to us our love

- June Jordan

yo ya no soy yo
- federico garcía lorca

'You have already learned silence, child', she said. 'Rely on that knowledge'.
- Reverend Mother Schwangyu to Duncan Idaho in Heretics of Dune by Frank Herbert

My view of religion... We started out with polytheisms. Every community had it. So it's goblins and fairies and nymphs and other supernatural agents with various talents and history. What were they good for? Nothing. They were just the offshoots, susceptibility, human fears, human curiosity. These were the hyperactive agent detection devices. And when they became domesticated, they were feral initially. They were synanthropic beings, synanthropic memes. They survived because they could. They were just superstitions. But then they got harnessed by civilization, and rulers used them very effectively. And many ideas of religion were clearly very useful to ruling classes, to kings, to despots, to maintain law and order.
Another one in the same family with somebody's watching you all the time was... Don't blame me, it's the big guy (tumb up) who makes the rules. We see it today when the used car salesman says Well, I can't make this offer, I have to go talk to the boss. These are authors of wonderful devices, tools, thinking tools that religion has evolved which kept the anxiety 'God's watching everything you do' alive for thousands of years. God is not watching what you do because there is no God that watches. 
But we can still behave without myth. 

Love leads to misery. Love is a very ancient force which served its purpose in its day. But no longer is essencial to the survival of the [human] species.

- Reverend Mother Darwi Ordrade in Heretics of Dune by Frank Herbert

As I kneel to speak
a long, black bird bursts
from my throat.

- Mark Turcotte

clinging to the forest wall
- mark turcotte