My view of religion... We started out with polytheisms. Every community had it. So it's goblins and fairies and nymphs and other supernatural agents with various talents and history. What were they good for? Nothing. They were just the offshoots, susceptibility, human fears, human curiosity. These were the hyperactive agent detection devices. And when they became domesticated, they were feral initially. They were synanthropic beings, synanthropic memes. They survived because they could. They were just superstitions. But then they got harnessed by civilization, and rulers used them very effectively. And many ideas of religion were clearly very useful to ruling classes, to kings, to despots, to maintain law and order.
Another one in the same family with somebody's watching you all the time was... Don't blame me, it's the big guy (tumb up) who makes the rules. We see it today when the used car salesman says Well, I can't make this offer, I have to go talk to the boss. These are authors of wonderful devices, tools, thinking tools that religion has evolved which kept the anxiety 'God's watching everything you do' alive for thousands of years. God is not watching what you do because there is no God that watches.
But we can still behave without myth.