You can be remade
You can live again
What was pain now's gained

- hilda hilst
perdemos: dente, roupas, melhores amigos
- igor pires
sem dizer que quer, sem querer
- victor fernandes
hoje – que hoje?
- joão mostazo
things of the heart occur here
- margaret avison
this unchill, habitable interior
- margaret avison
me for the past 40 years

Earth Abides, S01E05

I tell myself

Landman, S01E08

O memory, hope, love of finished years.
- Christina Rossetti
Helen, c'est moi!

Say Nothing, S01E07

perdi todo o discurso
- sebastião uchoa leite
                                  E é para sempre
para nunca mais
                                  este exílio.

- Ruy Espinheira Filho
As palavras te governam e te configuram 
delimitam as fronteiras de tua solidão
os caminhos da eternidade e do adeus.
As palavras assinalam o momento de tua morte
e te ensinam a abrir a porta onde não existe porta.

- Francisco Carvalho
olhemos sem rancor e emudeçamos
- ariano suassuna
não sei nem ninguém sabe
- ariano suassuna
de tudo somos presa:
do desejo das formas e das cores

- ariano suassuna
- Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna
vesti meus gestos insensatos
- carlos pena filho
nesta hora de sol puro
- ronald de carvalho
imensos silêncios se respondem
- raul bopp
Demagogicamente tão só!
- Mário de Andrade
É noite. E tudo é noite.
- Mário de Andrade
Tu queres ilha: despe-te das coisas
- Jorge de Lima
os caminhos estão gastos
- joel silveira
entre ilusões inimigas
- joaquim cardozo
- Guilherme de Almeida
Estar atento diante do ignorado,
Reconhecer-se no desconhecido,
Olhar o mundo, o espaço iluminado, 
E compreender o que não tem sentido.
Guardar o que não pode ser guardado,
Perder o que não pode ser perdido.

- Dante Milano
Eu não dei por esta mudança,
tão simples, tão certa, tão fácil

- Cecília Meireles
                                   no tempo que vai
p  a  s  s  a  n  d  o

- Antônio Girão Barroso
Mas a batalha é sua, vence-a
- Vicente de Carvalho
Bailando o furacão
- Olavo Bilac
Foi em março
- Olavo Bilac

Foi em março, 2023
- AR
Os sapos calaram
e escutam

- Felipe D'Oliveira
Saudade! Olhar de minha mãe rezando
- Da Costa e Silva
Ele é ignorante porque, apesar dele achar que é muito experto, ele reduziu toda a visão de mundo dele em cima de ganhar dinheiro.

- Luiz Felipe Pondé sobre Ebenezer Scrooge em Linhas Cruzadas
Uma das características da experiência triste, ou das paixões tristes, como se fala em filosofia, é o fato de que muitas pessoas não são tristes. Isso é uma das coisas que deixa as pessoas tristes mais tristes.

- Luiz Felipe Pondé em Linhas Cruzadas
o essencial está oculto nos corações humanos
- fyodor dostoevsky em linhas cruzadas
My friend
they don't care
if you're an individualist 
a leftist  a rightist
a shithead or a snake
They will try to exploit you
absorb you  confine you
disconnect you  isolate you
or kill you

olha pra mim 
ora por mim

It is not what Jesus made of mankind, but what mankind made of him.
- John Fowles in The Aristos
omnia mea mecum porto
levo comigo tudo que é meu
Cada pessoa só pode ser ela mesma por inteiro enquanto estiver sozinha. Portanto, quem não ama a solidão tampouco ama a liberdade, pois somente quando se está sozinho é que se está livre.

- Arthur Shopenhauer em Sobre como lidar consigo mesmo
I'm afraid, my friend,
To inter my heart.

Taras Shevchenko
O my trying heart,
What is it that you want, why is it that you ache?

- Taras Shevchenko
in silent expectation
- taras shevchenko
Emma: When you give so much of yourself to your partner, you hope it's enough. But I realize it doesn't matter how much I love him, even after these countless years. It only matters whether or not you save him.

- Earth Abides, S01E04
sur le paysage lent
raymond queneau
il y a une tombe pour tout
- raymond queneau
Poetry is not self-expression, the I is a dramatic I.
- Michael S. Harper
my ignorance of you amazes me
adrienne rich
The longer I live the more I mistrust
Adrienne Rich
boarding the uncharter'd bus of vanishment
adrienne rich
It's not new, this condition, just for awhile
          kept deep
in the cortex of things imagined

Adrienne Rich
          I do not give
simplehearted    love and nor
allow you simply love me

Adrienne Rich
unto and contra
adrienne rich
Could it be I saw you
under a roof of glass

Adrienne Rich
The I you know isn't me
- Adrienne Rich
O the mind, mind has mountains, cliffs to fall
Frighful, sheer... Hold them cheap
May he who ne'er hung there

- Gerard Manley Hopkins
I don't remember you separately
from love.

Marina Tsvetaeva
Your name's—a bird in the hand
Marina Tsvetaeva in From poems for Blok
Love and sorrow together are always stronger than death.
- Marina Tsvetaeva
it pleases me to stand in silence here
- philip larkin
I am the arrow and the prey.
- Mahmoud Darwish
Who am I, O you? Create me as I created you.
Mahmoud  Darwish
I am my language.
 Mahmoud  Darwish
Poetry is a place of exile.
- Mahmoud  Darwish
Oh my love.
- Paul Verlaine
Souvenir, souvenir, que me veux-tu?
- Paul Verlaine
pleasure is a product of death; not an escape from it
- john fowles in the aristos 
What remains: move and countermove.
Yehuda Amichai
I declare with perfect faith
that prayer preceded God.
Prayer created God,
God created human beings,
human beings create prayers
that create God that create human beings.

Yehuda Amichai
Gods change, prayers are here to stay
- Yehuda Amichai
The soul inside me is the last foreign language I'm learning.
- Yehuda Amichai
Suffering operates by its own logic. Its gropings and reversals. Ample, in ways
that are exquisite. And how it leaves—not unlike how it arrives, without

- Jenny Xie
nothing is as far as here
- jenny xie
I covet every tear!
Charles Baudelaire
O numinous sweet nothing
charles baudelaire
the nerves too restless to unwind
charles baudelaire
Your eyes, ever so green
Charles Baudelaire
The melancholy waltz begins again!
- Charles Baudelaire
it's dark, despite the moon above
- alexander blok
I Had Thought Things
Were Going Along Well

But I was mistaken

- John Ashbery
anger and tenderness: my selves
adrienne rich
your silence today is a pond where drowned things live
adrienne rich
silence not absence
- adrienne rich
já nem sei o que falar aqui 

depois a gente vê como é que vai fazer

gente é pra brilhar

no meu coração

You're wondering if I'm lonely;
OK then, yes, I'm lonely

- Adrienne Rich
Tyler: We never truly walk alone even when we feel alone, despite grief. 
I lift my eyes to the mountains. Now I understand 
What it means to lift eyes, what a heavy load
It is.

Yehuda Amichai
We are so far from each other.
Yehuda Amichai
Sometimes I'm very happy and desperate.
Yehuda Amichai
I am standing at a place where once I loved.
Yehuda Amichai
When a man is abandoned by
his love, an empty round space
expands inside him like a cave
for wonderful stalagmites, slowly.

Like the empty space 
in history, kept open for
Meaning and Purpose and tears.

Yehuda Amichai
- anna akhmatova
Gladiator II, 2024

I foresee an additional meeting,
Inescapable meeting with you.

Anna Akhmatova
But the imprint you've left on my soul
On our trivial meeting won't fade.

Anna Akhmatova
My heart, you must be wise.
Anna Akhmatova
O, cold one
- Anna Akhmatova
Well, it's time 
To go to bed, but—
That summer moon.

Natsume Sōseki
Mystery, or unkowing, is energy. As soon as a mystery is explained, it ceases to be a source of energy. If we question deep enough there comes a point where answers, if answers could be given, would kill. We may want to dam the river; but we dam the the spring at our own peril. In fact, since 'God' is unknowable, we cannot dam the spring of basic existencial mystery. 'God' is the energy of all questions and questing; and so the ultimate source of all action and volution.

- John Fowles in The Aristos
I am a useless watchman
Of the holy nothing. I am happy.

Yehuda Amichai

People use each other 
To heal their pain. Each puts the other
On their existential wounds, 
On the eye, the penis, the cunt, the mouth, the open hand.
They grab one another and will not let go.

- Yehuda Amichai
How many times does a man wait for another man
Who won't come? Three times,
Or four. Then he leaves,
Crosses a field of summer thorns,
And lies in his home.

His heart didn't grow hard, like the soles
Of his feet that walked a lot.
Taxis of dawn tear
The clothes of his sleep:
To live is to tear;
To die, to be torn.

- Yehuda Amichai
O dear. That's when I was born. May use it as an epitaph

The title of a book by Yehuda Amichai

And now it's too early for archaeology
And it's too late to repair what was done.

- Yehuda Amichai
And I will have to forget you
When someone else begins to remember you

- Yehuda Amichai
habitual ennui
- marianne moore

To You

Don't worry.
The wind is blowing; naked branches are swaying.

Ko Un
You are more than yourself.
Ko Un
Ask and ask until nothing's left to ask.
- Ko Un
Unable to go forward,
unable to go back

Ko Un
So much sorrow has slid from my spine.
All expostulations are futile.

- Ko Un
I very much dislike the empty language
Of love, with all those tired, pathetic clichés

- Alexander Blok
you numbed me
alexander blok
let you look into my eyes
gave you wings that you might fly

- alexander blok
A 'not-so-good' copy of a poem by Alexander Blok

and illusion persists
- alexander blok

The Day of the Jackal, S01E09

Saturday night vibe

so what remains?
john fowles
moonlit silence
john fowles
a cry in the crowd
john fowles
finding no exit
- john fowles
O what a silence in this wilderness!
Gerard Manley Hopkins
My love is lessened and must soon be past.
- Gerard Manley Hopkins
infinite longing
heinrich heine
love is gnawing away my heart
heinrich heine
I bear no grudge, even though my heart is breaking, O
love forever lost, I bear no grudge.

- Heinrich Heine
with each the absence of love is different
- samuel beckett
after you're gone
Narcissus lean and slippered

- Samuel Beckett
sweet absence of words
- samuel beckett
God bless you professor
- Samuel Beckett
Outlander, S07E12

To love is to tell the story of the world.     There was
an ocean with a boat    mountains    a meadow    too painful to stare
at directly. Haven't I been here before? Yes.    No:    not quite here.

Nomi Stone
Kierkegaard says there are three kinds of despair: despair
at not being conscious of having a self, despair at not being
willing to be oneself, and despair at willingness to be

- Nomi Stone
I am alone. I will forgive. I am silent.
Alexander Blok
I will go into a holiday of silence
Alexander Blok
I am tired of resounding
Alexander Blok
I stood forgotten
Alexander Blok
Your image appears spontaneously
Amid the familiar banal days.

- Alexander Blok
somtimes it's easy, sometimes painful
- alexander blok
While I am I, and you are you,
So long as the world contains us both,
Me the loving and you the loth, 
While the one eludes must the other pursue.

- Robert Browning
Mr. Reed: If God is real, and he watches when we masturbate, and he has such a fragile ego that he only helps us when we beg him and shower him with praise, and he hates gay people for being what he made them to be, well, that is terrifying.

- Heretic, 2024
So am I

Heretic, 2024

Nothing you see now
can mean anything;
your will is fixed on the lightbulb,
its blind impassivity
withholding disquiet,
the art of the possible
that art abhors.

Robert Lowell
I was my interrupted sentence
Robert Lowell
My thinking is talking to you
Robert Lowell
I catch my mind
circling for you with glazed eye—
my lost love hunting 
your lost face.

- Robert Lowell
Emilia Pérez, 2024

an infinite withoutness
- john fowless
Conclave, 2024

Am I still abstruse?
Marianne Moore
the heart that can act against itself
marianne moore
alive with words
marianne moore
Psychology which explains everything
explains nothing,
and we are still in doubt.

Marianne Moore
alone in the small aloneness
- mahmoud darwish
fully hedonistic
constantine p. cavafy
and love passed this afternoon
over his perfect flesh, his lips,
over his flesh which is all beauty

constantine p. cavafy
He lost him completly
and now he goes on seeking
on the lips of every new lover
the lost one's lips.

Constantine P. Cavafy
sensitive to the point of suffering
constantine p. cavafy
everything was beautiful
shops sidewalks stones
windows balconies walls

constantine p. cavafy
Even if you can't
make of your life what you want,
try this at least
to the extent that you can.
Do not devalue your life
by being too much in touch with society
too much to-and-fro and chat.
Do not devalue your life by escorting it,
turning it constantly about and exposing it
to the every day nonsense
of relationships and parties,
until it turns foreign, a burden.

- Constantine P. Cavafy
en mi metafísica emoción de amor
- césar vallejo
hay golpes en la vida, tan fuertes
- césar vallejo
O dear Claire!

Outlander, S07E10

Je suis la plaie et le couteau
- Charles Baudelaire
Sur l'immense gouffre
- Charles Baudelaire
Ô vase de tristesse
- Charles Baudelaire
The little celestial poet
Opens the shutters of his heart.
The heavens clash. Oblivion
Uproots the symphony.

- Antonin Artaud
le silence qui s'installe

How is your life? Are you fussing?
    flinching? How    do you get up?

Marina Tsvetaeva
Life is a place where it's forbidden
to live. 

Marina Tsvetaeva
so now    must    be no
marina tsvetaeva
crying silently love love
marina tsvetaeva
negue seu amor 
you loved me 

- maria bethânia & marina tsvetaeva
I set my love upon you. Much too high.
In the sky    arrange my burial.

Marina Tsvetaeva
for everything, for everything    forgive me,
—my love    whatever I did to you

Marina Tsvetaeva
I'm glad your sickness is not caused by me.
Mine is not caused by you.

- Marina Tsvetaeva
At the edge of the heavens is the omega star,
All sparkling, colorful Sirius.

- Alexander Blok
feche os olhos & ponha no volume máximo

the substance

The forms of matter are finite, but matter is infinite. Form is a death sentence, matter is eternal life

- John Fowles in The Aristos
O progresso e o capitalismo podem seguradamente acabar com a civilização.
should heAr
- John Gooby
Yes, I can. But only that.

Lioness, S02E04


Landman, S01E04


Strange to know nothing, never to be sure
Of what is true or right or real,
But force to qualify or so I feel,
Or Well, it does seem so:
Someone must know.

Strange to be ignorant of the way things work:
Their skill at finding what they need,
Their sense of shape, and the punctual spread of seed,
And willingness to change;
Yes, it is strange,

Even to wear such knowledge - for our flesh
Surrounds us with its own decisions -
And yet spend all our life on imprecisions,
That when we star to die
Have no idea why.

-  Philip Larkin
Once I believed in you,
    And then you came,
    Unquestionably new, as fame
Had said you were. But that was long ago.

Philip Larkin
in an endless girding sea
- philip larkin
Apart, we think we wish ourseves together,
Yet sue for solitude upon our meetings

Philip Larkin
I could not follow your wishes
- Philip Larkin
it feels like jail, or church
- mary jo salter
Je vais pas dire merci pour tout
- Mai Lan

Regardant mes plaies, j'avoue c'est plus grave
Que ce que je croyais, c'est fou ça s'étale

We are so much more than what we are going through
an air of baffled silence
- philip larkin
it's only oblivion
philip larkin
Perhaps being old is having lighted rooms
Inside your head, and people in them, acting.
People you know, yet can't quite name

Philip Larkin
more and more time passes silently
- philip larkin
estática do toque ao reler a hora da estrela
de clarice lispector
 em 2014

Reverend Mother Dorotea: You are scared because you have nothing to serve, no purpose, nowhere to put all that hurt and anger. You know how truly alone you are. 

- Dune: Prophecy, S01E03

Wolf Hall, S02E04

I can buy
I bought
myself flowers

I hide here most entirely now
Mona Van Duyn
the most bizarre vagaries
- mona van duyn
He knows he's aged a lot: he sees it, he feels it.
Yet it seems he was young just yesterday.
So brief an interval, so very brief.

Constantine P. Cavafy

With no consideration, no pity, no shame,
they have built walls around me, thick and high.
And now I sit here feeling hopeless.
I can't think of anything else: this fate gnaws my mind
because I had so much to do outside.
When they were building the walls, how could I not
have noticed!
But I never heard the builders, not a sound.
Imperceptibly, they have closed me off from the
outside world.

- Constantine P. Cavafy
Edu de Barros. Afresco, 2020 (detalhe)

Adriana Varejão. Figura de convite III, 2005

Rosana Paulino. Pretugês, 2022

Marcos Chaves. Eu só vendo a vista, 1961